Sunday, October 19, 2008

{Bethany & Jayson}

I'm really excited to start sharing my photos from this summer with you! I apologize again for being so slow to post new stuff, but I hope it was worth the wait! :) This was my first wedding this past summer...Meet Bethany & Jayson. You may recognize them from an earlier engagement post that I did. They were married June 21, 2008 in Helena, Montana. To view their album click HERE. They are so fun, and so in love! I had so much fun getting to know them, and I wish them the best of luck in their future together. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

This is Rochelle from high school. It has been a while, but I saw your link on someone elses blog. You are a really good photographer! I love the picts of the babies! If you want to keep in touch my e-mail is

Anonymous said...

You are a really good photographer!!! I love the picts of the babies!!!looking awesome..

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